- β-turn β-转角
- P-Turn P-Turn
- Ratio方法 Fisher ratio method
- U-turn(β-turn) U形转角, U形转折
- Ratio算子 Ratio detector
- Turn-Run-Turn算法 turn-run-turn algorithm
- 化工学士 B.C.E. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
- [诗]=down prep.
- C/N ratio 碳氮比
- 化工数据库 chemical database
- left turn lane (交叉口外的) 左转弯车道
- 获取或设置数字显示框(也称为up-down控件)的最小大小。 Gets or sets the minimum size of the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
- G/E ratio 粒细胞红细胞比率
- 化工模拟系统 chemical engineering simulation system
- TURN协议是一种穿越对称nat的技术。 TURN protocol is a technique for simple traversal of UDP through NAT.
- G/N ratio 糖氮比率
- 无机化工催化剂 catalyst for inorganic chemical industry
- 请告诉我怎样使用这个词“turn”,好吗? Will you tell me how to use
- P/O ratio 磷氧比值
- 化工防腐蚀电器 chemical corrosion-proof electric apparatus